Hydraulic cylinders and rotary joints Nambu Co., Ltd. Hydraulic cylinders and rotary joints Nambu Co., Ltd.
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How to order Spare parts?


The label is attached to Nambu's cylinder. Label's examples are following.

samples of the label

For the hydraulic cylinders --- attached to a body of the cylinder.
For the hydraulic cylinders --- attached to a body of the cylinder

For the LS --- attached to a lid or a plate of the LS.
For the LS --- attached to a lid or a plate of the LS.

How to order spare cylinders

(1)Please refer to the label of the cylinder and inform us  of model, No. and date.

(2)In case of the label is peeling off and can not be identified No..
Please fill out each dimensions to the copy of the catalog and contuct us. If you check dimensions of  full length of cylinder, rod diameter shape of cylinder, shape of flange etc., we identify the model.

How to order spare parts

Please fill out model or No. of your cylinder to the copy of catalog and circle required parts.
Downloading catalog is available from here.

sample for order of parts
sample for order of parts
(click image to larger size image)
sample for order of cylinders
(In case of the model is not idenfied)
sample for order of cylinder (In case of the model is not idenfied)
(click image to larger size image)

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